Monday, January 07, 2008

dealing with death.

1. Learn to accept that your loss is real.
2. Make it OK to feel the pain.
3. Adjust to living without the person.
4. Find a safe place in your heart for your loved one, and allow yourself to move on.
5. And finally, what do you do with the love that you feel?
This website talks about how children can grieve just as much as adults. And i agree. It can affect people worse or less depending on how strong your love was for that person.

Death is an experience that no one wants to face. I think that as hard as it is, we have to accept that death is a part of life. Theres no real way to get over and move on, because everyone is different but i think the best thing is to accept it. I think the 5 steps are a great way to cope and try to move on. No one said you have to forget about that person, cause pretty sure no one ever will, but you just can't let it stop you from living. When your sad people oftend tend to be angry and get crabby with friends or family. They look for someone to take it out on. Also, another good thing is to have someone to talk to and cry with and be there, because it's times like these you need someone the most.

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